Crtitical reflective teaching practice
enhancing teachers' consciousness of their teaching
This paper emphasises the aspects that teachers should critically focus on when reflecting on their teaching practices. The paper emerged from a case study that was conducted in three secondary schools in Rundu- northern Namibia. Critical reflective teaching involves thought and action, and it raises teachers' consciousness pertaining to what they do. Through critical reflective practice, teachers scrutinize their beliefs and knowledge of the subject and their practice, through purposeful thoughtfulness. The selection of the three participants was based on their rich practical professional knowledge and exemplary teaching practices as evidenced. Interviews focused on 'when, what, how and why these selected teachers reflected critically on their practice. Data collection and analysis were done through an interpretive approach. Interviews and document analyses were the two research tools used for data collection and triangulation. Interpretations of the findings were validated through member checking where participants verified the interpretations made of their interview respectively.
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