
  • Welwitschia International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

    Welwitschia International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (WIJAS) is a diamond open access journal of the University of Namibia, that publishes original and review papers, surveys, experiments, case studies, technical reports, viewpoints, book reviews, notes, commentaries and news in various agriculture and natural resources disciplines. Journal maintains high-quality publication of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of scientific excellence.

  • The Namibia CPD Journal for Educators

    The Namibia CPD Journal for Educators (NCPDJE), is an electronic peer-reviewed diamond open access journal of the School of Education at the University of Namibia . The journal is published annually.

  • JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre

    Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre (JULACE) is an international, scholarly, diamond open-access, peer-reviewed bi-annual publication. The journal aims at providing a publishing avenue especially for emerging academicians, researchers and scholars in the fields of language education, linguistics, and related disciplines such as translation, literary and other cultural studies such as film. The Journal broadly covers language research and teaching. It aims to be the leading academic journal that presents research outcomes and discusses modern, national and international languages. Through a rigorous peer reviewing process that ensures no plagiarism, JULACE strives to assist dedicated researchers and lecturers of languages and other related fields (including literature, film and music) to skillfully write and submit quality original papers. JULACE also accepts book reviews, other review articles, think pieces, and short fiction/poems. Besides appraising new, major publications, especially from Namibian authors, the reviews are also meant to critically inform JULACE’s readers of the current theories, trends, and practices from elsewhere in the academic/research world. Although available in print form, JULACE has, among others, a strong indexing policy that strives to create visibility of the papers that are published in it through its open access and online availability.

  • International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia

    International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (ISTJN) is a diamond open access,  journal of peerreviewed research and commentary in pure, applied and allied sciences and technology published by the Faculty of Science, University of Namibia. Aims and Scope The journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field of science and technology. It addresses the needs of multiple, interlocking communities, including methodologists in mathematics, statistics and econometrics; as well as basic and applied scientists in biology, chemistry, physics, public health, medicine, education, mining, geology, computing, food, agriculture and engineering. The journal will strive to enhance the level of methodological rigour in pure and applied sciences and will contribute to the development of methodological standards in the fields of science and technology in Namibia. In pursuing its main objective, the journal will also provide a meeting ground for researchers from a number of traditional disciplines and will foster the development of scientific research and publication especially among younger practitioners