Uforensiki katika Ujumi wa Riwaya Pendwa ya Kiswahili: Uchambuzi wa Riwaya ya “Kikosi cha Kisasi”


  • Neema Julius Luhwago Luhwago University of Dodoma




English version

This paper aims to explore forensic aesthetics in Swahili literature showing how forensic induces the aesthetics in the Swahili novels. Forensic science emerged in the 19th century because of the development of science and technology. It has an impact on various fields of expertise such as law, chemistry, physics, biology and others for its effectiveness. Due to the misinterpretation of forensic in Swahili novels, most of the stakeholders of Swahili literary works such as Kezilahabi (1976), Hussein (1971) and Kimura (1991) emphasize that the authors of popular novels mimic the Western literary styles. Along with the negative attitude of various stakeholders of Swahili literature, the popular fictional Swahili novels still retain their status and are increasingly widespread in Swahili-speaking societies. This is due to the fact that these novels have the fascination of the phenomena introduced by the science and technology that clearly distinguishes itself around the world based on the aesthetic view of each society. This paper will dispel the negative stereotypes about the popular Swahili novels containing crime, romance and spying. In addition, it will introduce forensic aethetics as it relates to Swahili literature and emerges itself in Swahili novels such as Kikosi cha Kisasi.


Kiswahili version

Makala haya yanakusudia kuchunguza namna uforensiki unavyoibua ujumi wa riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili, sambamba na kuitambulisha taaluma ya uforensiki inavyojitokeza katika riwaya ya Kikosi cha Kisasi. Kutofahamikavyema kwa taaluma ya uforensiki katika riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili, kumesababisha mtazamo hasi kwa wadau mbalimbali wa fasihi ya Kiswahili kama vile Kimura (1991), Hussein (1971) na Kezilahabi (1976), waliotafiti na kuihakiki riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili na kuiona kuwa ni riwaya isiyo na mafunzo yenye maadili kwa jamii, kutokana na maudhui yake ya ujambazi, mauaji, uhalifu, ujasusi, mapenzi na upelelezi kuelezwa waziwazi. Hali hii imesababishwa na uchache wa wanataaluma waliojihusisha na tafiti zinazohusu uforensiki katika riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili. Hata hivyo, suala la uforensiki katika kuibua ujumi wa riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili halijashughulikiwa. Kutoshughulikiwa huko kunaendeleza mtazamo hasi wa kuziona riwaya hizi kuwa zimeiga utamaduni wa kigeni na hazina umuhimu katika jamii yetu, licha ya kuwa jamii yenyewe tayari imeshaathiriwa na utandawazi kutokana na maendeleo ya sayansi na teknolojia.. Makala haya yatasaidia kuondoa mtazamo hasi uliopo juu ya riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili na kuidhihiridha namna uforensiki unavyoibua ujumi katika riwaya pendwa ya Kiswahili hususani riwaya ya Kikosi cha Kisasi.


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Author Biography

Neema Julius Luhwago Luhwago, University of Dodoma

Neema Julius Luhwago is an assistant lecturer at the University of Dodoma in Tanzania. She pursued BA in Kiswahili Literature at the University of Dodoma, where she was also awarded a certificate of academic excellence. Moreover, she holds MA in Kiswahili Literature and she is currently pursuing PhD studies at the University of Dodoma. She has specialized in Aesthetics and Kiswahili Literature and she authored books on Theories of Oral Literature and Poems as well as several articles in aesthetics in Kiswahili Literature. Her research interests include Forensic Aesthetics in Kiswahili Literature. Email: neemajulius@ymail.com




How to Cite

Luhwago, N. J. L. (2020). Uforensiki katika Ujumi wa Riwaya Pendwa ya Kiswahili: Uchambuzi wa Riwaya ya “Kikosi cha Kisasi”. JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, 4(2), 54–66. https://doi.org/10.32642/julace.v4i2.1476


