Rethinking xenophobia in the wake of human insecurity in South Africa
This paper analyses the impact of xenophobic attacks which have rocked South Africa over the past few years, arguing that it has exhibited another human insecurity turning point. The traditional state-centric security conceptions that focus primarily on the safety of the state from military aggression has shifted attention to the security of the individuals. The xenophobic violence which was witnessed after South Africa attained independence in 1994, led scholars of international relations to surmise that the human security conceptual framework should advocates for a paradigm shift of attention from state security approach to a people centered approach to security. The main objective of this paper, therefore was to assess the effects of the xenophobic attacks which erupted periodically and affected the political and economic security sectors of South Africa. This paper adopted a qualitative approach and made use of documentary search, observation methods and in-depth interviews. The paper also revealed that xenophobic attacks against foreigners in South Africa had affected peaceful traditional relations which were in existence between immigrants and the citizens. This article con-cluded that peace and security in South Africa was under threat, and the African National Congress government needed to formulate new immigration laws that regulated the influx of foreigners to avoid xenophobic attacks. This study, therefore advocates for constructive engagements where both migrants and citizens participate equally in the economic sector in South Africa, as opposed to a situ-ation where foreigners dominate. These would be migratory measures to resolve the differences be-tween migrants and the citizens.Downloads
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How to Cite
Chivurugwi, J. (2016). Rethinking xenophobia in the wake of human insecurity in South Africa. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 203–220. Retrieved from