A brief overview about models and methods to calculate the tilt angle and orientation of photovoltaic panels to maximize power generation
Photovoltaic systems are presented as an alternative energy for a sustainable development that can satisfy global energy requirements and provide electricity in remote locations, usually in accessible and away from the electrical network. An essential step in the installation of a photovoltaic solar module is to determine the tilt angle and orientation with respect to the horizontal plane, because an incorrect orientation and inclination can decrease the production capacity and lifetime of a photovoltaic module. The optimum angle for collector’s surfaces of a solar system is determined by many factors such as the incident radiation on the place of the installation and the solar sky, where the shadow of objects that cannot be eliminated like buildings, mountains and others must be taking into account. Based on a literature review of the models and methods more employees worldwide, we provide a brief overview of models and methods to calculate the angle and orientation of a panel in order to maximize power generation.Downloads
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How to Cite
Torres-Perez, M., & Rodriguez-Puente, R. (2017). A brief overview about models and methods to calculate the tilt angle and orientation of photovoltaic panels to maximize power generation. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia, 050–060. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.edu.na/index.php/ISTJN/article/view/1198