Birds of Katima Mulilo town, Zambezi region, Namibia
Large river valleys are usually characterized by high level of biodiversity, avian diversity. In Namibia, two towns are located in such valleys: Rundu on Okavango and Katima Malilo on Zambezi. To date, no quantitative studies on any components of biodiversity have been conducted in those towns. In January-May 2013, a total of 36 days were spent on quantitative studies of birds in Katima Mulilo town. The line transect and territory mapping methods were used in this study. A total of 122 resident (breeding), 9 visitors and 9 Palearctic migrants were recorded. The group of dominant species was composed of the following four species: Grey-headed Sparrow, Black-eyed Bulbul, Laughing Dove, and Blue Waxbill. They comprised together 42.5% of all birds. The group of subdominant species included: Rock Dove, Pied Crow, Cape Turtle-Dove, Red-eyed Dove, Southern Masked Weaver, Burchell’s Starling and Mourning Dove. Together they comprised 18.7%. The remaining 112 species comprised 38.8%. The most numerous feeding guilds were granivores (51.3%), frugivores and insectivores (each with c. 20%). Most birds (61.3%) nested in trees and shrubs. Katima Mulilo is probably the only town in whole southern Africa, where all four Streptopelia-doves are common species: Laughing, Cape Turtle, Red-eyed, and Mourning Dove. The only sparrow, which occurs in Katima Mulilo, is the Grey-headed Sparrow. Of special interest is the occurrence of dozen or so species which do not occur in other towns in Namibia, such as African Fish Eagle, Broad-billed Roller, Schalow’s Lorie, Trumpeter Hornbill, among others.Downloads
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How to Cite
Kopij, G. (2016). Birds of Katima Mulilo town, Zambezi region, Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia, 085–102. Retrieved from