Evaluation of bamboo (bambusa vulgaris (schrad)) culm for drip irrigation
Pipes used for irrigation are expensive for small holder farmers. Therefore, bamboo with its pipe-like aerial stem (culm) may be a promising substitute for irrigation pipes. However, there is a dearth of information on the Bamboo Pipe (BP) for this application. The potential of bamboo for agricultural land irrigation was therefore investigated. Medical infusion tubes were forced fixed on the prepared bamboo pipes irrigation unit to act as emitters and Amaranthus hybridus (vegetable) was irrigated as the test crop. Emitters Coefficient of discharge (CVq) and Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient (CUC) were determined during its use for the drip irrigation of Amaranthus hybridus. The results obtained were analysed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and t-test. The BPs were effective in carrying out drip irrigation (flow rate 0.042 - 0.117 L/hr) of the Amaranthus hybridus. The CVq and CUC varied between 1.82–2.38 and 96.20–98.86 % respectively, which were within acceptable limits. There was negative correlation between CVq and the discharge rate. The maximum yield of Amarathus hybridus obtained was 4.6 kg/m2 (4600 kg/ha) with the medi-emitters discharging at 20 drops/min, a high yield per hectare for an irrigated vegetable.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ogedengbe, K. (2014). Evaluation of bamboo (bambusa vulgaris (schrad)) culm for drip irrigation. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia, 033–043. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.edu.na/index.php/ISTJN/article/view/1134